⏰ Course Pacing: Where Students Should Be
The AP exam is just around the corner! The remainder of April should be utilized for completing the Create Performance Task (Unit 16) and preparing for the AP Exam (Unit 17). Remember to reserve at least 9 classroom hours to conduct the Create Performance Task. If your classes are running behind, consider assigning some of the exercises from Unit 17 for homework.
View the syllabi here:
AP CSP in Python
AP CSP in JavaScript
AP CSP: Cybersecurity
📅 Wrapping Up AP CSP and Course Deadlines
To effectively conclude the AP CSP course, here's our recommended schedule for the final weeks as well as the deadlines that are coming up.
- Unit 16: Create Performance Task
- Unit 17: AP Exam Review
- April 30th, 11:59 p.m. ET: Submit Create Performance Tasks
- May 15th, 12:00 p.m. Local Time: AP CSP Exam
- Unit 18: Creative Development (optional, not required for the exam)
- Unit 18: Creative Development (continued)
- Supplementary Units
If your classes are running behind, consider assigning some of the exercises from Unit 17: Review for the AP Exam for homework. You can learn more about the upcoming deadlines on the College Board’s Annual Calendar and Deadlines page.
💻 AP CSP Exam Resources
Given that we’re now in April and the deadlines for the Create Task and exam are approaching, we wanted to remind you of the resources we are providing to support you and your students. In line with the changes made by the College Board for the Create Performance Task and Exam format, we’ve updated our AP CSP course content, provided tips for students to complete their Create Tasks, and hosted webinars full of relevant information for the Create Task and exam. Visit the links below to learn more!
💸 CodeHS Student Scholarships
Calling All High School Seniors - Now Accepting Applications!
CodeHS is proud to invite all eligible students to apply for the CodeHS Scholarship! We will award $1,000 grants to 10 students who plan to study computer science and related fields at the post-secondary level.
Review the scholarship eligibility requirements and learn how your students can apply today. All applications are due by May 20th, 2024 @ 11:59 PM CT.
✅ Become a CodeHS Certified Educator
CodeHS Certified Educators have the opportunity to connect with fellow computer science teachers, and they gain access to perks like CodeHS swag and beta testing for new features on our site. To become a Certified Educator, you need to:
- Have used CodeHS to teach a full computer science course
- Have at least 1 year of experience using CodeHS in the classroom
CodeHS accepts applications twice per year. The deadline for the Spring Certified Educator Cohort application is Friday, May 3rd!
💲CodeHS Pro Promo
If you purchase CodeHS Pro for the 24-25 school year, you will get CodeHS Pro for FREE for the remainder of the 23-24 school year! Gain access to Pro tools like Fast Grade, the Academic Integrity Center, and the customizable gradebook. Learn more about Pro tools here.
📱 Stay Connected
- Follow us on Twitter and Instagram
- Chat with others in the CodeHS Educators Facebook Group
- Join the CodeHS AP CSP Teacher Forum
Take care,
Alex Nunez
Curriculum Developer, CodeHS