Virginia was packed with incredible stops, inspiring teachers, and eager students exploring computer science. From engaging Q&A sessions to live-coding challenges and first-time introductions to coding, each school brought something special to the journey. Here’s a recap of our week in the Old Dominion as the CodeHS road trip rolls further south!
Stop 1: Broad Run High School (Ashburn, Virginia)
Our stop at Board Run High School was filled with great discussions and learning opportunities. We connected with CodeHS Pro teacher, Tim Cathcart, and his students. At this time in the year, students were honing in their JavaScript skills and eagerly demonstrated their skills during practice challenges. They surprised us with a thoughtful travel mug, making this introduction to Virginia a standout experience.

Stop 2: Riverside High School (Leesburg, VA)
At Riverside High School, we spoke to a large group of over 80 students in their library. Pro teacher Katherine Rhoade and her team combined classes for an engaging Q&A session. Despite the size of the group, the students were attentive and curious. Shoutout to Riverside High School for hosting!

Stop 3: Dominion High School (Sterling, VA)
Dominion High School was a quick but impactful session. We spoke to a smaller group of students about AI and the role of computer science in college. Their teacher, Calin Lupas, was grateful we could come to his school, even if it as brief. The day ended with the first snow flurries we’ve seen on the trip—a fitting end to the day!

Stop 4: Hickory High School (Chesapeake, VA)
We made it to Hickory High School where we met up with teacher Natalie Emery, who welcomed me into her Intro to Python class. Using turtle graphics, students created art and were fully engaged in the process. We also spoke to an AP CS class taught by another teacher,introducing them to CodeHS and guiding them through live-coding practice problems. It was exciting to see them try something new and enjoy the process.
Stop 5: Grafton High School (Yorktown, VA)
At Grafton High School, teacher Kyle Boyd welcomed us into her AP CSA class, where we met an enthusiastic group of students eager to learn. They asked thoughtful questions about college, the tech industry, and career opportunities in computer science. Most of the session was dedicated to an engaging Q&A, with students showing genuine interest in exploring the next steps in the field. Connecting with students with such passion and helping them envision their future was a highlight of the day!

Stop 6: Phoebus High School (Hampton, VA)
This visit stood out because we had the opportunity to speak with students outside the traditional computer science classroom. Instead, we joined Kari Espada’s chemistry classes to introduce the possibilities that computer science offers. For many of these students, it was their first exposure to coding, providing an exciting chance to ignite their curiosity about the field. The classes were attentive and engaging, and we hope this introduction inspires some of them to explore computer science in the future.

Stop 7: Old Donation School (Virginia Beach, VA)
This marks the road trip’s 50th stop at Old Donation School. We got to join in on teacher Jamie Young’s middle school classes. We were able to talk to a range of students that were learning Intro to Java. We were able to answer a lot of great questions from the students. This was a fantastic way to hit our first big milestone with visits before Thanksgiving.

Virginia was an incredible experience, filled with engaged students, passionate teachers, and meaningful conversations. Now, I’m headed further south to continue the journey. Stay tuned for more updates as the CodeHS road trip rolls on!
Want CodeHS to visit your school?
We're well into the road trip and excited to visit even more schools along the way! You can still request a visit for the CodeHS team to make a stop at your school on the road trip. If you’re interested, request a visit here codehs.com/roadtrip.
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