CodeHS has also added a search bar to the platform. With the new search bar, you can easily navigate through the CodeHS platform by searching for the exact tools, students, or courses you are looking for. The search bar is broken down into sections- All, Tools, Sections, Courses, and Actions- making it easier to find exactly what you are looking for.
AI Hints have been added to help teachers manage their classrooms and improve student learning outcomes! While reviewing student code, you can generate an AI Hint to identify areas for improvement. These hints are available directly in the Code Editor and the AI Toolbox. Watch this quick how-to video.

With the Collaboration Tool, you can watch student progress as they work, debug code with students, and demonstrate coding concepts within student assignments. The Collaborate tool allows you to accomplish all of this in one spot from your computer! The new tool has three modes- Watch, Collaborate, and Classic.

Our Ready-to-Go format now has improved functionality for easier navigation. Here are the highlights:
Easier Navigation: More places to click to advance or go back through slides, along with slide titles and numbers for quickly jumping to specific sections.
Interactive Activities: These open within the slides for whole-class completion and can be pushed to students’ devices with a single click.
Starter Code & Sample Code: Both open within the slides for teachers to demo and can be pushed to students with one click, whether using Scratch or ScratchJr.
We’ve completely revamped our K-6 Computer Science Pathway to ensure a smoother and more effective sequence of concepts for each grade level. Using pedagogical best practices, our course visualizations, featuring Scout the Squirrel (our adorable elementary mascot), take students on an exciting journey starting in a city in kindergarten and ending in outer space by 5th grade.
Middle School
The Mix and Match Middle School Course is an easily customizable option for our middle school content. We have added two supplemental modules:
Exploring Data and Spreadsheets
Web Design 2
Each module contains 10 hours of content and introduces students to a specific computer science topic. You can choose which modules to teach and the order you teach them in!
High School
CodeHS has continued to create new standards-aligned courses for high school, including:
For a full list of available courses, you can explore the CodeHS course catalog.
AI Curriculum
CodeHS has developed new curriculum and professional development to help educators integrate AI topics into their schools. The new AI curriculum is designed to introduce students of all coding levels to Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence may seem like magic to students, but it really is just a set of programs and algorithms that students can learn about and use!
New Courses:

Check out the CodeHS Blog to catch up on the latest school visits and highlights.
To learn more about K-12 pathways or to find courses that are right for your classroom, visit the new CodeHS Pathways page here.