New CodeHS Course: Intro to Python with Tracy (in Español)

The CodeHS Intro to Python with Tracy in Spanish course teaches students the basics of programming in Python.


Course Overview

Introduction to Python with Tracy the Turtle en Español is a quarter-long course that teaches students the basics of programming in the Python language. Tracy is a turtle that can be instructed with the use of various commands to draw scenes on a canvas. Students will learn Python commands, functions, and control structures by solving puzzles and writing creative programs for Tracy to follow.


El Mundo de Tracy
Students learn about the world Tracy lives in and how to write commands that she will understand.

Moviendo a Tracy Eficientemente
Students build on the commands they have learned to instruct Tracy around all parts of her world.

Diseñando y Comunicando Soluciones
Students explore useful ways to break down large problems to write readable and successful programs.

Controlando a Tracy con Variables
Students learn to use variables and user input in their Tracy programs.

Tomando Decisiones
Students learn how to use if-else statements and while loops to instruct Tracy to make decisions based on conditions.

Desafíos de Tracy
Students put together all of the concepts they have learned to solve advanced Tracy puzzles.
