CodeHS Courses Approved for UC Math and Science Requirements

By Evelyn Hunter, CodeHS Curriculum Lead

Earlier this year, UC revised their categorization of computer science in their admission requirements, allowing approved computer science courses to count as a lab science (D) or math (C). We’re excited to announce that CodeHS courses have been approved in these new categories!

Students can now take the following courses for their recommended third year of a lab science (category D):

  • Computing Ideas
  • Intro to Computer Science in JavaScript
  • Intro to Computer Science in Python
  • Web Design
  • Intro to Cybersecurity
  • AP Computer Science Principles

Our AP Computer Science A course has been recategorized as a math (category C).

For the full list of our approved courses, please visit or visit our knowledge base.

Previously, all of these courses were categorized as electives (category G). With the new categorizations, students may still count computer science towards their elective requirement if they wish. Students may use any course approved in the A-F subject areas beyond those used to satisfy the requirements of the A-F subjects for their one year elective requirement.

Teachers who would like their students to receive credit for these approved courses should visit the UC Course Management Portal. Once they log in to their institution, they can select “Adopt an online publisher course” and search for the approved CodeHS courses.


If you have any questions about these recent changes to CodeHS Categorization in UC admission requirements, please contact our team at