
⏰ Course Pacing: Where Students Should Be

At this point in the year, you should be around Unit 8 Digital Information, or moving on to the Practice Performance Task units. If your classes are running behind, we recommend that you skip the practice PT modules so you can get through the rest of the course content before the exam. You can always come back to these modules if you find yourself with extra time later in the year.

While the Practice PTs are an important part of preparing students for the AP test, students do not need to complete all of the Practice PTs. At a minimum, we recommend completing Module 7: Basic Data Structures and several practice create tasks, including “The Shopping List” and “Testing 1,2,3” found in the supplemental section. “The Shopping List” covers all the requirements for the Create Performance Task while “Testing 1, 2, 3” is more formative and focuses on row 6 of the requirements.

As a reminder, you can view sample Performance Tasks created on our system here.

View the syllabi here:


🛒 Project of the Month: The Shopping List

For this problem, you are going to create a program that asks the user for a list of ingredients. As the user enters the ingredients, you should store them in a list. Once the user is done entering their list, you need to pass this list to a function that will compare the ingredients to an already existing list of pantry items.

This project is a practice Create Performance Task that covers all requirements. It can also be found in the supplemental section of your AP CSP course.


🌟 Resource Spotlight: Lesson Plans

CodeHS lesson plans include classroom materials, activity ideas, handouts, and discussion questions that correspond to CodeHS course lessons. Free teachers can access the first five lesson plans of any course at no cost, and CodeHS Pro teachers have access to all CodeHS lesson plans!

For AP CSP teachers, the first lesson plan contains curriculum resources that directly support key AP CSP standards.

🎉 CSEdWeek 2023 Events

With the new search bar, you can easily navigate through the CodeHS platform by searching for the exact tools, students, or courses you are looking for. The search bar is broken down into sections- All, Tools, Sections, Courses, and Actions- making it easier to find exactly what you are looking for.

💻 Explore the New AP CSP Resource Hub

📝 Upcoming Webinar: Building a Sustainable K-12 Computer Science Program

Join CodeHS for an exclusive panel discussion with district administrators who have successfully developed thriving computer science programs in their schools.

Date: Jan. 30th
Time: 1:00pm CT

💻 Explore the New AP CSP Resource Hub

✏️ Curriculum Feedback Group

CodeHS is interested in learning more about how you use our curriculum and resources in your classroom—what CodeHS materials do you rely on and what do you wish was different for the courses you teach? If you are interested in joining a course advisory group to help improve the CodeHS courses, please complete the short form.

💻 Explore the New AP CSP Resource Hub

📱 Stay Connected

  1. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram
  2. Chat with others in the CodeHS Educators Facebook Group

-The CodeHS Team