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Standards Mapping

for Texas Fundamentals of Computer Science


Standards in this Framework


Standards Mapped


Mapped to Course

Standard Lessons
Investigate and explore various career opportunities within the computer science field and report findings through various media;
  1. 13.9 Impact of Cybersecurity
Create and publish interactive stories, games, and animations;
  1. 1.14 Project: Your First Website
  2. 6.12 User Input
  3. 6.19 Putting Together Control Structures
Create and publish interactive animations;
  1. 6.12 User Input
  2. 6.19 Putting Together Control Structures
Create algorithms for the solution of various problems;
  1. 2.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
  2. 2.2 More Basic Karel
  3. 2.3 Karel Can't Turn Right
  4. 2.4 Functions in Karel
  5. 2.5 The Start Function
  6. 2.6 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel
  7. 2.8 Super Karel
  8. 2.9 For Loops
  9. 2.10 If Statements
  10. 2.11 If/Else Statements
  11. 2.12 While Loops in Karel
  12. 2.13 Control Structures Example
  13. 2.14 More Karel Examples and Testing
  14. 2.16 Karel Challenges
  15. 6.10 Top Down Design
  16. 6.19 Putting Together Control Structures
Create web pages using a mark-up language;
  1. 1.1 Introduction to HTML
  2. 1.2 Structure of an HTML Page
  3. 1.3 Formatting Text
  4. 1.4 Links
  5. 1.5 Images
  6. 1.6 HTML Lists
  7. 1.7 HTML Tables
  8. 1.8 HTML Styling
  9. 1.9 Introduction to CSS
  10. 1.10 CSS Select by Tag
  11. 1.11 CSS Select by Class
  12. 1.12 CSS Select by ID
  13. 1.14 Project: Your First Website
Use the Internet to create and publish solutions;
  1. 1.14 Project: Your First Website
Design creative and effective user interfaces.
Seek and respond to advice from peers and professionals in evaluating problem solutions;
Debug and solve problems using reference materials and effective strategies; and
  1. 2.6 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel
  2. 2.7 Commenting Your Code
  3. 2.14 More Karel Examples and Testing
Publish information in a variety of ways such as print, monitor display, web pages, and video.
  1. 1.14 Project: Your First Website
Construct appropriate electronic search strategies;
Use a variety of resources, including other subject areas, together with various productivity tools to gather authentic data as a basis for individual and group programming projects.
Demonstrate the ability to insert applets into web pages;
Find, download, and insert scripting code into web pages to enhance interactivity;
Understand binary representation of data in computer systems, perform conversions between decimal and binary number systems, and count in binary number systems;
  1. 11.2 Number Systems
  2. 11.3 Encoding Text with Binary
  3. 11.4 Pixel Images
  4. 11.5 Hexadecimal
  5. 11.6 Pixel Colors!
Read and define a problem's description, purpose, and goals;
  1. 6.19 Putting Together Control Structures
Demonstrate coding proficiency in a contemporary programming language by developing solutions that create stories, games, and animations;
  1. 6.19 Putting Together Control Structures
Choose, identify, and use the appropriate data type to properly represent data in a problem solution;
  1. 3.2 Variables
  2. 3.3 User Input
  3. 6.11 Variables
Demonstrate an understanding of and use variables within a programmed story, game, or animation;
  1. 3.2 Variables
  2. 6.11 Variables
Demonstrate proficiency in the use of arithmetic operators to create mathematical expressions, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, real division, integer division, and modulus division;
  1. 3.4 Basic Math in JavaScript
Demonstrate an understanding of and use sequence within a programmed story, game, or animation;
  1. 2.10 If Statements
  2. 2.11 If/Else Statements
  3. 2.12 While Loops in Karel
  4. 2.13 Control Structures Example
  5. 6.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
  6. 6.2 Tracy's Grid World
  7. 6.3 Turning Tracy
Demonstrate an understanding of and use iteration within a programmed story, game, or animation;
  1. 2.9 For Loops
  2. 2.12 While Loops in Karel
  3. 2.13 Control Structures Example
  4. 2.16 Karel Challenges
  5. 6.4 For Loops
  6. 6.18 While Loops
Demonstrate an understanding of and use conditional statements within a programmed story, game, or animation;
  1. 2.10 If Statements
  2. 2.11 If/Else Statements
  3. 2.13 Control Structures Example
  4. 2.16 Karel Challenges
  5. 6.16 If Statements
  6. 6.17 If/ Else Statements
Create an interactive story, game, or animation;
  1. 1.14 Project: Your First Website
  2. 6.12 User Input
  3. 6.17 If/ Else Statements
  4. 6.18 While Loops
  5. 6.19 Putting Together Control Structures
Use random numbers within a programmed story, game, or animation; and
Test program solutions by investigating valid and invalid data.
  1. 3.2 Variables
  2. 3.3 User Input
Discuss copyright laws/issues and model ethical acquisition of digital information by citing sources using established methods;
  1. 12.7 The Impact of the Internet
  2. 12.8 Project: The Effects of the Internet
Demonstrate proper digital etiquette and knowledge of acceptable use policies when using networks, especially resources on the Internet and on intranets;
Investigate measures such as passwords or virus detection/prevention to protect computer systems and databases from unauthorized use and tampering;
  1. 13.1 What is Cybersecurity?
  2. 13.8 The CIA Triad
  3. 13.9 Impact of Cybersecurity
Understand the safety risks associated with the use of social networking sites;
Discuss the impact of computing and computing related advancements on society; and
  1. 10.5 Future of Computing
  2. 12.7 The Impact of the Internet
  3. 12.8 Project: The Effects of the Internet
Determine the reliability of information available through electronic media.
Demonstrate knowledge of the basic computer components, including a central processing unit (CPU), storage, and input/output devices;
  1. 10.2 Computer Organization
  2. 10.4 Hardware
  3. 12.2 Internet Hardware
Use operating system tools, including appropriate file management;
Demonstrate knowledge and appropriate use of different operating systems;
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of basic network connectivity;
  1. 1.13 Viewing Websites
  2. 12.2 Internet Hardware
  3. 12.3 Internet Addresses
  4. 12.4 DNS
  5. 12.5 Routing
  6. 12.6 Packets and Protocols
  7. 13.2 Internet Hardware and Sending Information
  8. 13.3 Internet Addresses
  9. 13.4 Domain Name System (DNS)
  10. 13.5 Routing
  11. 13.6 Packets & Protocols
  12. 13.7 Network Attacks
Describe, compare, and contrast the differences between an application and an operating system; and
  1. 10.2 Computer Organization
  2. 10.3 Software
  3. 10.4 Hardware
Compare, contrast, and appropriately use various input, processing, output, and primary/secondary storage devices.
  1. 10.2 Computer Organization
  2. 10.4 Hardware