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This page lists all the badges that can be earned in New Mexico Tech Apps and Coding

1.2.6: Grid World Badge
Programming with Turtle Graphics
1.4.7: Looping Badge
Programming with Turtle Graphics
1.8.6: Functions Badge
Programming with Turtle Graphics
1.12.6: User Input Badge
Programming with Turtle Graphics
1.15.6: Master of i Badge
Programming with Turtle Graphics
1.18.6: Conditionals Badge
Programming with Turtle Graphics
1.20.6: Tracy the Turtle Badge
Programming with Turtle Graphics
1.21.2: Intro to Programming with Turtle Graphics Badge
Programming with Turtle Graphics
2.4.7: Hardware Badge
What is Computing?
4.6.2: Digital Citizenship and Cybersecurity Badge
Digital Citizenship and Cyber Hygiene
6.3.7: Formatting Badge
Web Design
6.9.4: Web Development Badge
Web Design
6.10.3: Website Badge
Web Design
6.11.6: Styling Badge
Web Design
8.3.7: Encoding Badge
Digital Information
9.4.5: DNS Badge
The Internet
10.1.5: The Internet Badge
Project: The Effects of the Internet
11.3.6: Right Turn Karel Badge
Introduction to Programming with Karel the Dog
11.8.5: Super Karel Badge
Introduction to Programming with Karel the Dog
11.11.7: Conditional Karel Badge
Introduction to Programming with Karel the Dog
11.15.6: Karel Exercises Badge
Introduction to Programming with Karel the Dog
11.16.5: Karel Challenges Badge
Introduction to Programming with Karel the Dog
12.1.11: Karel Puzzles Badge
Extra Karel Puzzles
13.5.2: Intro to Cybersecurity Badge
What is Cybersecurity?