📽️ Teacher Lesson Walkthroughs
We’ve created brief CodeHS teacher walk-through videos to help educators navigate and review how to use the curriculum. These instructional videos cover a wide range of topics; lesson page overview, deciding a lesson, preparing to teach a lesson, and more.

📸 New Camera Feature in Scratch Jr
The camera feature is now available in ScratchJr! Students can now add an image as a character or background in any program.

New Lesson Video Link
Check out the new lesson video link available on the lesson page under the lesson resources! This link will take you to the entire YouTube video for that specific lesson.

🗂 Lesson Highlights
➡️ Design an Adventure Game
This end-of-the-year comprehensive multi-part project is designed for 2nd graders. Students will be able to create a story-based, multi-page game using computer science skills they have learned throughout the year.

➡️ Pinball Game Project
This 5-part project guides 4th-6th grade students through creating an interactive pinball game in Scratch. Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of pinball game design principles and apply their knowledge to create a functional and engaging pinball game.

🆕 Physical Computing Lessons
Check out the new Ready-to-Go introductory and Ready-to-Go interdisciplinary lessons for Finch, Makey Makey®, and Ozobot®! You can search for these lessons on the All Lessons page on the elementary platform.

📑 Elementary Coding in the Wild
Explore the Coding in the Wild blogs, a large library of articles featuring professionals who use computer science to impact the world. Find elementary-friendly versions appropriate for independent reading for upper elementary, or guided reading for lower elementary.
🤖 Coding for Artificial Intelligence: Meet Jay Hack who became interested in AI at a young age. Follow along as Jack discusses his current role and provides insights for aspiring coders. Read here.
📡 Coding for Satellite Internet: Meet Rachel Domagalski, a software engineer for Astranis. Learn how Rachel uses programming to control spacecraft components and appliances. Read here.
🌠 Coding for Astronomy: Meet Dillon Dong, an astronomer who surveys the northern sky. Read here.
🏋️ Coding for Health and Fitness: Meet Gabe Madonna the chief technology officer of CoPilot. Gabe wants to help people stay healthy. Read here.
🍎 Coding for Education: Meet Priya Rajagopal, a computer science teacher at Connecticut River Academy. Read here.

🎉 CSEdWeek 2023 Recap
Computer Science Education Week was December 4-10th. During CSEdWeek, CodeHS visited 18 elementary schools across the country!
Did you use any of the CodeHS Hour of Code lessons with your class? Share an image on social media and tag us (see below).

🏆 Apply For A CS100 Award
CS100 is honoring schools teaching CS to 100% of students. Are you teaching CS to all K-5 students? The CS100 Awards provide a new form of national recognition for top computer science elementary schools in the United States: those that commit to teaching 100% of their K-5 students computer science in the 2023-2024 school year. Applications are still being processed if you would like to be part of the cutting-edge group.

📱 Stay Connected
🤳Share a picture or testimonial from your classroom on Twitter or Instagram and be sure to tag us. We would love to see how you’re using CodeHS in your classroom. You can follow us on Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram.
🐿️ Happy coding, friends! 🤖
- The CodeHS Team