CodeHS Inspire Fellowship
Supporting passionate educators who are expanding participation in computer science for Black, Latino, and Native American students
Computing is present in all aspects of society today, and computer science is now a foundational skill. However, as we navigate a global pandemic, it’s clear that there are significant gaps in bringing this essential education to all students.

The latest 2020 State of Computer Science Education Report shows there is a long way to go to give students equitable access to computer science education. In particular, Black, Latino and Native American students are significantly underrepresented in computer science. We can look at the AP CS participation rates compared to overall nationwide student demographics to see the disparity. While 15% of US students are Black, only 6% of AP CS exams are taken by Black students. While 27% of US students are Latino, only 17% of AP CS exams are taken by Latino students. While 1% of US students are Native American, only 0.2% of AP CS exams are taken by Native American students. There are still barriers to expanding participation in computer science classes and this teacher fellowship is focused in this area.
Over the last few months, our team at CodeHS has conducted surveys and focus groups to hear from educators on how we can best support them in making computer science more diverse and equitable.
Today, CodeHS is launching the new CodeHS Inspire Fellowship and committing $150,000 of CodeHS Pro, professional development, and resources to support educators expanding access to Black, Latino and Native American students.
This program will run through the 2020–2021 school year to connect educators passionate about increasing diversity in computer science. Teachers will also be able to join monthly meetups and discussions.
Any educator teaching in a district with a high Black, Latino, or Native American population can apply for the Inspire Fellowship. Applications will be accepted through Sunday, November 1st, 2020.
Additionally, for those who are interested in being part of the conversation but may not be in the fellowship CodeHS will also be hosting additional conversations throughout the year on increasing diversity in computer science.
To learn more, visit Please contact the CodeHS Team at with any questions.